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Create the page "Logic programming languages" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- (documentation forall "The universal quantifier of predicate logic.") (documentation exists "The existential quantifier of predicate logic.")783 KB (86,011 words) - 21:03, 18 October 2016
- (documentation forall "The universal quantifier of predicate logic.") (documentation exists "The existential quantifier of predicate logic.")909 KB (101,490 words) - 20:55, 18 October 2016
- ...’s products would no longer represent the fruits of traditional computer programming, exactly, but “machine learning.” ...and divided by dozens of languages.) The team had been steadily adding new languages and features, but gains in quality over the last four years had slowed cons90 KB (15,232 words) - 17:26, 5 March 2018
- Epigrams on Programming ...Herbert Klaeren ( see also: [[Laws of Programming]]14 KB (2,235 words) - 16:53, 26 March 2019
- ...]], with extensions for [[Modal logic|modal operators]] and [[Higher-order logic|higher order quantification]]. * [[List of constructed languages#Knowledge representation]]5 KB (764 words) - 16:27, 11 March 2021
- | programming language = [[Lisp (programming language)|Lisp]], [[CycL]] ...CycL had expanded in expressive power to [[Higher-order logic|Higher Order Logic]] (HOL).47 KB (6,664 words) - 02:58, 13 March 2021
- [6-1] What programming language is it written in ? neural networks or fuzzy logic. All of the knowledge in CYC is represented37 KB (5,708 words) - 23:06, 7 May 2021
- [6-1] What programming language is it written in ? neural networks or fuzzy logic. All of the knowledge in Cyc is represented53 KB (8,267 words) - 23:07, 7 May 2021