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('Grizwald's Universal Narrative Theory (G.R.U.N.T.)' GRUNT)
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== Narrative Theories ==
== Narrative Theories ==
=== ''''Grizwald's Universal Narrative Theory (G.R.U.N.T.)'''' [[GRUNT]] ===
=== [[GRUNT|''''Grizwald's Universal Narrative Theory (G.R.U.N.T.)'''' (GRUNT)]] ===
Idea from Reddit
Plotting Stories theory from https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasy_workshop/comments/gc1s7b/a_guide_to_plot_structure/

Revision as of 15:15, 20 May 2021

Emotional Characters

Design Foundations For Emotional Characters

http://www.cas.mcmaster.ca/~Carette/publications/DesignFoundationsForEmotionalCharacters.pdf (Offwiki)
DesignFoundationsForEmotionalCharacters.pdf (local wiki copy)

Story Generation

= 2017-Sep A Survey on Story Generation Techniques for Authoring Computational Narratives by Ben Kybartas and Rafael Bidarra Sept 2017

https://nil.cs.uno.edu/publications/papers/kybartas2016survey.pdf (off-wiki)

Narrative Theories

'Grizwald's Universal Narrative Theory (G.R.U.N.T.)' (GRUNT)

Plotting Stories theory from https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasy_workshop/comments/gc1s7b/a_guide_to_plot_structure/