Plot Robot
Robot With Mechanical Brain Thinks Up Story Plots (Mar, 1931) Filed under: Robots — @ 9:24 am Source: Modern Mechanix ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Mar, 1931
FORMERLY robots were merely mechanical devices that could perform a variety of stunts under the guidance of a human being, but now a robot has made its appearance that thinks, has a soul of a kind, creative imagination, and other qualities necessary for writing a modern stereotyped short story. This robot, the invention of Wycliffe Hill, a Los Angeles scenario writer, is declared to be able to build up millions of plots, no two alike, for magazine stories or movie plays.
Mr. Hill has equipped his robot with an index chart, divided into eight sections, one devoted to each of the eight elements of a story-— background, character, obstacle, problem, predicament, complication, crisis and climax—and with an assortment of variations. The robot selects the material as required from this inexhaustible source and builds plots that could never be imagined by the author without the aid of the mechanical brain. Now if you want to become a successful author simply obtain a robot and put it to work.
The Plot Robot (TM) for Plot Genie (TM)! Download it here for free! Add to your cart and download!
Yes, the "Plot Robot" is here! Print it out on sturdy paper and get ready to dazzle your "civilian" non-writer friends! Create fiction and instill jealousy among your rivals!
The Plot Robot is free, but must be treated as a free "purchase" to work on this platform. Subsequently, you will find the Bold Venture Press newsletter landing in your email on a weekly basis. The newsletter is a delightful update on all things pulpish from Bold Venture — but unsubscribing is painless. So fear not ... download the robot and plot away.
Besides, whattaya expect for free??
The Plot Master himself, Wycliffe A. Hill, shares the lessons taught to students in expensive seminars!
Plot Scientific
Plot Scientific was the original text for a special and personally conducted course in story plotting by the author, Wycliffe A. Hill. Assignments at each chapter’s conclusion have been designed especially to develop the observation, power of analysis and creative imagination of the writer. If you are a serious student of plot construction, and aspire to reach the next level in your writing, your most valuable tool may be Plot Scientific, paired with one of the many Plot Genie books.