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How many of the nn2 binary operations are associative?

for n=2, exactly half of the 24=16 binary operations are associative.
But for n=3, only 113 of the 39=19,683 binary operations are associative, a count I do not trust, because it seems so much smaller than I anticipated.
It is difficult to count among the four billion (4,294,967,296) binary operations for n=4.) the OEIS sequence A023814. The n=4 number I couldn't easily compute is 3492.

I would be interested in the asymptotic growth rate. Surely this is all well known...? Thanks for pointers! 
Update. Following MSE link provided by Darij, I reached (via Gerry Myerson's pointer)

Is the Ratio of Associative Binary Operations to All Binary Operations on a Set of n Elements Generally Small?