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[the, shopper, drank, the, pepsi]

(thereExists ?shopper4675

       (isa ?shopper4675 (FrequentPerformerFn Shopping ) )
       (thereExists ?pepsi6      
                (and (isa ?pepsi6 PepsiCola )
                     (and (occursDuring ?drank7550 Past )
                          (and (isa ?drank7550 DrinkingEvent )
                               (performedBy ?drank7550 ?shopper4675 )
                               (consumedObject ?drank7550 ?pepsi6 )


[the, shopper, drinks, the, pepsi]

(thereExists ?shopper4675

 (and (isa ?shopper4675 (FrequentPerformerFn Shopping ) ) 
  (thereExists ?pepsi6 
    (and (isa ?pepsi6 PepsiCola ) 
    (and (occursDuring ?drank7550 Now ) 
    (and (isa ?drank7550 DrinkingEvent ) 
    (performedBy ?drank7550 ?shopper4675 ) 
    (consumedObject ?drank7550 ?pepsi6 ) ) ) ) ) ) )                           

[the, shopper, bought, fries]

(thereExists ?shopper4794

  (and (isa ?shopper4794 (FrequentPerformerFn Shopping ) ) 
  (and (and (isa ?fries20 Frying ) 
  (objectOfStateChange ?fries20 ?POSSESSOR13610 ) ) 
  (and (occursDuring ?bought3 Past ) 
  (and (isa ?bought3 Buying ) 
  (buyer ?bought3 ?shopper4794 ) 
  (objectPaidFor ?bought3 ?fries20 ) ) ) ) ) )

[the, shopper, bought, fries, with, his, pepsi]

(thereExists ?shopper4863

   (and (isa ?shopper4863 (FrequentPerformerFn Shopping ) ) 
   (and (isa ?pepsi42 PepsiCola ) 
   (and (and (and (isa ?fries103 Frying ) 
      (objectOfStateChange ?fries103 ?POSSESSOR13613 ) ) 
   (and (isa ?bought4 Buying ) (seller ?bought4 ?shopper4863 ) 
   (objectPaidFor ?bought4 ?fries103 ) 
   (buyingPerformer ?bought4 ?pepsi42 ) ) ) 
   (equals ?POSSESSOR13613 
           (OneOfFn (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr PossessivePronoun-Post ) 
            (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr PossessivePronoun-Pre ) ) ) 
   (controls (OneOfFn (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr PossessivePronoun-Post ) 
                          (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr PossessivePronoun-Pre ) )
                  ?pepsi42 ) ) ) ) )

english2Kif("I see you").

assert(known_phrase(verbSemTrans(#$and(#$isa(?ACTION1, #$VisualPerception), #$performedBy(?ACTION1, ?Speaker), #$perceivedThings(?ACTION1, ?TargetAgent)), true) ))

e2c("George fell last year").

[[txt, 'George'], [tag, staart, nnp, np]] [[txt, fell], [tag, z, vbd]] [[txt, last], [tag, z, jj, ap, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'CountNoun', 'WHAdverb']] [[txt, year], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun']]

seg([p('VP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('PP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4)])


 (equals ?GEORGE2 
   (OneOfFn EddieGeorge-FootballPlayer-American 
     (CityNamedFn "George" RepublicOfSouthAfrica ) ) ) 
   (isa ?FELL1 Event ) 
       (isa ?YEAR5 CalendarYear ) 
       (isa ?YEAR5 ContemporaryArtifact ) ) 
         (isa ?FELL1 CuttingDownATree ) 
         (objectOfStateChange ?FELL1 ?YEAR5 ) 
         (doneBy ?FELL1 ?GEORGE2 ) ) 
         (organismKilled ?FELL1 ?YEAR5 ) 
         (isa ?FELL1 CuttingDownATree ) 
         (performedBy ?FELL1 ?GEORGE2 ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("I see you").

[[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, see], [tag, z, vb]] [[txt, you], [tag, laast, ppss, ppo, prp, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]

seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 3, 3)])

(thereExists ?SPEAKER

   (isa ?SPEAKER Person ) 
     (isa ?SEE1 Event ) 
     (thereExists ?TARGETAGENT 
         (isa ?TARGETAGENT Person ) 
           (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?TARGETAGENT ) 
             (isa ?SEE1 VisualPerception ) 
             (performedBy ?SEE1 ?SPEAKER ) 
             (perceivedThings ?SEE1 ?TARGETAGENT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("I seen the wood").

[[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, seen], [tag, z, vbn]] [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, wood], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]

seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 4)])

(thereExists ?SPEAKER

   (isa ?SPEAKER Person ) 
     (isa ?SEEN1 Event ) 
     (thereExists ?WOOD5 
         (isa ?WOOD5 
           (OneOfFn Wood Wood-GolfClub WoodedArea ) ) 
           (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?WOOD5 ) 
             (isa ?SEEN1 VisualPerception ) 
             (performedBy ?SEEN1 ?SPEAKER ) 
             (perceivedThings ?SEEN1 ?WOOD5 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("I sawed the wood").

[[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, sawed], [tag, z, 'NLWordForm', 'Verb', 'Adjective']] [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, wood], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]

(thereExists ?SPEAKER

   (isa ?SPEAKER Person ) 
     (isa ?SAWED1 Event ) 
     (thereExists ?WOOD11 
         (isa ?WOOD11 
           (OneOfFn Wood Wood-GolfClub WoodedArea ) ) 
           (isa ?SAWED1 SawingSomething ) 
           (objectOfStateChange ?SAWED1 ?WOOD11 ) 
           (doneBy ?SAWED1 ?SPEAKER ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("I see two books on a shelf").

[[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, see], [tag, z, vb]] [[txt, two], [tag, z, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, books], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun', 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']] [[txt, on], [tag, z, in, 'Adverb', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional-Telic', 'Preposition-Locative', 'VerbParticle', 'WHAdverb']] [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, shelf], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun']]

seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 4), p('PP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('QP', 6, 7)])

(thereExists ?SPEAKER

   (isa ?SPEAKER Person ) 
     (isa ?SEE2 Event ) 
     (thereExistExactly 2 ?TWO2 
           (isa ?TWO2 BookCopy ) 
           (isa ?TWO2 Thing ) ) 
             (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?TWO2 ) 
               (isa ?SEE2 VisualPerception ) 
               (performedBy ?SEE2 ?SPEAKER ) 
               (perceivedThings ?SEE2 ?TWO2 ) ) ) 
           (thereExists ?SHELF5 
               (isa ?SHELF5 ShelfInABuilding ) 
               (on-UnderspecifiedSurface ?TWO2 ?SHELF5 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("I see two books sitting on a shelf").

[[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, see], [tag, z, vb]] [[txt, two], [tag, z, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, books], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun', 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']] [[txt, sitting], [tag, z, vbg, 'GerundiveCountNoun', 'GerundiveNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic', 'Adjective']] [[txt, on], [tag, z, in, 'Adverb', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional-Telic', 'Preposition-Locative', 'VerbParticle', 'WHAdverb']] [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, shelf], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun']]

seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('PP_non_cyclic', 6, 6), p('QP', 7, 8)])

(thereExists ?SPEAKER

   (isa ?SPEAKER Person ) 
     (isa ?SEE3 Event ) 
     (thereExistExactly 2 ?TWO4 
           (isa ?TWO4 BookCopy ) 
           (isa ?TWO4 SittingDown ) ) 
             (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?TWO4 ) 
               (isa ?SEE3 VisualPerception ) 
               (performedBy ?SEE3 ?SPEAKER ) 
               (perceivedThings ?SEE3 ?TWO4 ) ) ) 
           (thereExists ?SHELF11 
               (isa ?SHELF11 ShelfInABuilding ) 
               (on-UnderspecifiedSurface ?TWO4 ?SHELF11 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("I can see you").

[[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, can], [tag, z, md, 'Modal', 'CountNoun']] [[txt, see], [tag, z, vb]] [[txt, you], [tag, laast, ppss, ppo, prp, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]

seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('VP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 4, 4)])

(thereExists ?SPEAKER

   (isa ?SPEAKER Person ) 
     (behavourCapable ?SPEAKER ?SEE4 ) 
       (isa ?SEE4 Event ) 
       (thereExists ?TARGETAGENT 
           (isa ?TARGETAGENT Person ) 
             (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?TARGETAGENT ) 
               (isa ?SEE4 VisualPerception ) 
               (performedBy ?SEE4 ?SPEAKER ) 
               (perceivedThings ?SEE4 ?TARGETAGENT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("Fido is a dog").

[[txt, 'Fido'], [tag, staart]] [[txt, is], [tag, z, bez, vbz, 'BeAux']] [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, dog], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun']]


 (properNameString ?FIDO3 "Fido" ) 
 (thereExists ?DOG8 
       (isa ?DOG8 InsultingSomeone ) 
       (subjectOfInfo ?DOG8 :POSSESSOR ) ) 
       (isa ?IS1 Living ) 
       (occursDuring ?IS1 Now ) 
       (preActors ?IS1 ?FIDO3 ) 
       (actors ?IS1 ?DOG8 ) ) ) ) )

e2c("Who is the president of the United States of America ?").

[[txt, 'Who'], [tag, staart, nnp, prp, wp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, is], [tag, z, bez, vbz, 'BeAux']] [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, president], [tag, z, nn, 'CountNoun', 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun', 'Adjective']] [[txt, of], [tag, z, in, 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Of']] [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, 'United', 'States', of, 'America'], [tag, z]] [[txt, ?], [tag, laast, ?, 'Punctuation-SP']]


 (thereExists ?Who 
   (thereExists ?PRESIDENT46 
           (isa ?PRESIDENT46 Thing ) 
           (isa ?PRESIDENT46 Thing ) ) 
         (isa ?PRESIDENT46 
           (OneOfFn PresidentOfOrganization 
             (SubcollectionOfWithRelationFromTypeFn Person president Organization ) ) ) ) 
           (isa ?IS10 Living ) 
           (occursDuring ?IS10 Now ) 
           (preActors ?IS10 ?Who ) 
           (actors ?IS10 ?PRESIDENT46 ) ) 
         (thereExists ?G300312 
             (eq ?G300312 UnitedStatesOfAmerica ) 
             (possessiveRelation ?G300312 ?PRESIDENT46 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("I saw him").

[[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, saw], [tag, z, vbd, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, him], [tag, laast, ppo, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]

seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 3, 3)])

(thereExists ?SPEAKER

   (isa ?SPEAKER Person ) 
     (isa ?SAW1 Event ) 
     (thereExists ?HIM 
         (equals ?HIM 
           (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr ObjectPronoun ) ) 
           (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?HIM ) 
             (isa ?SAW1 SawingSomething ) 
             (objectOfStateChange ?SAW1 ?HIM ) 
             (doneBy ?SAW1 ?SPEAKER ) ) 
             (isa ?SAW1 VisualPerception ) 
             (performedBy ?SAW1 ?SPEAKER ) 
             (perceivedThings ?SAW1 ?HIM ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("I saw him Monday").

[[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, saw], [tag, z, vbd, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, him], [tag, z, ppo, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, 'Monday'], [tag, laast, nnp, nr, 'CountNoun', 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']]

seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4)])

(thereExists ?SPEAKER

   (isa ?SPEAKER Person ) 
     (occursDuring ?SAW2 Monday ) 
     (holdsIn ?SAW2 
         (isa ?SAW2 Event ) 
         (thereExists ?HIM 
             (equals ?HIM 
               (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr ObjectPronoun ) ) 
               (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?HIM ) 
                 (isa ?SAW2 SawingSomething ) 
                 (objectOfStateChange ?SAW2 ?HIM ) 
                 (doneBy ?SAW2 ?SPEAKER ) ) 
                 (isa ?SAW2 VisualPerception ) 
                 (performedBy ?SAW2 ?SPEAKER ) 
                 (perceivedThings ?SAW2 ?HIM ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("I saw him January").

[[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, saw], [tag, z, vbd, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, him], [tag, z, ppo, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, 'January'], [tag, laast, nnp, np, 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']]

seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4)])

(thereExists ?SPEAKER

   (isa ?SPEAKER Person ) 
     (occursDuring ?SAW3 January ) 
     (holdsIn ?SAW3 
         (isa ?SAW3 Event ) 
         (thereExists ?HIM 
             (equals ?HIM 
               (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr ObjectPronoun ) ) 
               (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?HIM ) 
                 (isa ?SAW3 SawingSomething ) 
                 (objectOfStateChange ?SAW3 ?HIM ) 
                 (doneBy ?SAW3 ?SPEAKER ) ) 
                 (isa ?SAW3 VisualPerception ) 
                 (performedBy ?SAW3 ?SPEAKER ) 
                 (perceivedThings ?SAW3 ?HIM ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("I saw him January twenty first").

[[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, saw], [tag, z, vbd, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, him], [tag, z, ppo, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, 'January'], [tag, z, nnp, np, 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']] [[txt, twenty], [tag, z, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, first], [tag, laast, jj, od, rb, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'CountNoun', 'NongradableAdjective', 'OrdinalAdjective', 'WHAdverb']]

seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5), p('PP_non_cyclic', 6, 6)])

e2c("Monday ' s concert should be good").

[[txt, 'Monday\'s'], [txt, 'Monday', '\'s'], [txt, 'Monday'], [tag, staart, '\'s', 'nr$']] [[txt, concert], [tag, z, nn, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, should], [tag, z, md, 'Modal']] [[txt, be], [tag, z, be, vb, 'BeAux']] [[txt, good], [tag, laast, jj, 'Adjective']]

e2c("We did it in Jan").

[[txt, 'We'], [tag, staart, prp, ppss, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, did], [tag, z, dod, vbd, 'DoAux']] [[txt, it], [tag, z, prp, pps, ppo, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, in], [tag, z, in, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'CountNoun', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional-Telic', 'Preposition-Locative', 'VerbParticle', 'WHAdverb']] [[txt, 'Jan'], [tag, laast, nnp, np]]

seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('PP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5)])

(thereExists ?WE

   (equals ?WE 
     (PronounFn FirstPerson-NLAttr Plural-NLAttr Ungendered-NLAttr SubjectPronoun ) ) 
       (occursDurring ?IN3 ?G431374 ) 
       (bodilyDoer ?WE ?IN3 ) ) 
       (properNameString ?JAN68 "Jan" ) 
         (occursDuring ?IN3 Now ) 
         (holdsIn ?IN3 
           (in-UnderspecifiedContainer ?WE ?JAN68 ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("Failure to comply may result in dismissal").

[[txt, 'Failure'], [tag, staart, nn, 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, to], [tag, z, to, in, 'InfinitiveComp', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional']] [[txt, comply], [tag, z, vb, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'WHAdverb']] [[txt, may], [tag, z, md, 'Modal', 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']] [[txt, result], [tag, z, nn, vb, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, in], [tag, z, in, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'CountNoun', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional-Telic', 'Preposition-Locative', 'VerbParticle', 'WHAdverb']] [[txt, dismissal], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective']]

seg([p('VP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('PP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('VP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('PP_non_cyclic', 6, 6), p('VP_non_cyclic', 7, 7)])


 (properNameString ?FAILURE3 "Failure" ) 
     (isa ?RESULT3 
       (AdverbFn Comply-TheWord ) ) 
       (behavourCapable ?FAILURE3 ?RESULT3 ) 
           (isa ?DISMISSAL9 
             (NounFn Dismiss-TheWord ) ) 
           (agentPopularity ?DISMISSAL9 
             (HighAmountFn PopularityLevel ) ) ) 
           (occursDuring ?RESULT3 Now ) 
           (holdsIn ?RESULT3 
             (eventOutcomes ?FAILURE3 ?DISMISSAL9 ) ) ) ) ) ) 
       (isa ?G461366 Thing ) 
       (isa ?G461366 Thing ) ) 
     (to-UnderspecifiedLocation ?FAILURE3 ?G461366 ) ) ) )

e2c("Absence to comply may result in dismissal").

[[txt, 'Absence'], [tag, staart, 'CountNoun', 'CountNoun-Generic', 'NLWordForm', 'Noun']] [[txt, to], [tag, z, to, in, 'InfinitiveComp', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional']] [[txt, comply], [tag, z, vb, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'WHAdverb']] [[txt, may], [tag, z, md, 'Modal', 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']] [[txt, result], [tag, z, nn, vb, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, in], [tag, z, in, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'CountNoun', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional-Telic', 'Preposition-Locative', 'VerbParticle', 'WHAdverb']] [[txt, dismissal], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective']]


 (properNameString ?ABSENCE3 "Absence" ) 
     (isa ?RESULT7 
       (AdverbFn Comply-TheWord ) ) 
       (behavourCapable ?ABSENCE3 ?RESULT7 ) 
           (isa ?DISMISSAL18 
             (NounFn Dismiss-TheWord ) ) 
           (agentPopularity ?DISMISSAL18 
             (HighAmountFn PopularityLevel ) ) ) 
           (occursDuring ?RESULT7 Now ) 
           (holdsIn ?RESULT7 
             (eventOutcomes ?ABSENCE3 ?DISMISSAL18 ) ) ) ) ) ) 
       (isa ?G495123 Thing ) 
       (isa ?G495123 Thing ) ) 
     (to-UnderspecifiedLocation ?ABSENCE3 ?G495123 ) ) ) )

e2c("He made a request that there be an investigation").

[[txt, 'He'], [tag, staart, pps, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, made], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]] [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, request], [tag, z, nn, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, that], [tag, z, in, cs, dt, wdt, 'Adverb', 'Complementizer', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Definite', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHAdverb', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, there], [tag, z, ex, rb, 'Adverb', 'AdverbOfPlace', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'There-Existential', 'WHAdverb', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, be], [tag, z, be, vb, 'BeAux']] [[txt, an], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer']] [[txt, investigation], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]

(thereExists ?HE

   (isa ?HE Male ) 
     (isa ?MADE1 Event ) 
     (thereExists ?REQUEST8 
           (isa ?REQUEST8 
             (OneOfFn InformationRequest-IBT Request Requesting-CommunicationAct ) ) 
           (isa ?REQUEST8 Thing ) ) 
             (causes-Underspecified ?HE ?REQUEST8 ) 
             (createdBy ?REQUEST8 ?HE ) 
             (doneBy ?REQUEST8 ?HE ) 
               (isa ?MADE1 MakingSomething ) 
               (performedBy ?MADE1 ?HE ) 
               (products ?MADE1 ?REQUEST8 ) ) ) 
             (isa ?BE29 
               (AdverbFn There-TheWord ) ) 
             (thereExists ?INVESTIGATION7 
                 (isa ?INVESTIGATION7 Research ) 
                   (isa ?BE29 Living ) 
                   (occursDuring ?BE29 Now ) 
                   (preActors ?BE29 ?REQUEST8 ) 
                   (actors ?BE29 ?INVESTIGATION7 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("He stated the fact that there be an investigation").

[[txt, 'He'], [tag, staart, pps, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, stated], [tag, z, vbn, vbd, 'Adjective']] [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, fact], [tag, z, nn, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, that], [tag, z, in, cs, dt, wdt, 'Adverb', 'Complementizer', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Definite', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHAdverb', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, there], [tag, z, ex, rb, 'Adverb', 'AdverbOfPlace', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'There-Existential', 'WHAdverb', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, be], [tag, z, be, vb, 'BeAux']] [[txt, an], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer']] [[txt, investigation], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]

(thereExists ?HE

   (isa ?HE Male ) 
   (thereExists ?FACT10 
       (ist :POSSESSOR ?FACT10 ) 
           (isa ?STATED3 
             (VerbFn State-TheWord ) ) 
           (eventSOT ?STATED3 ?HE ?FACT10 Past ) ) 
           (isa ?BE31 
             (AdverbFn There-TheWord ) ) 
           (thereExists ?INVESTIGATION15 
               (isa ?INVESTIGATION15 Research ) 
                 (isa ?BE31 Living ) 
                 (occursDuring ?BE31 Now ) 
                 (preActors ?BE31 ?FACT10 ) 
                 (actors ?BE31 ?INVESTIGATION15 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("Many were angered by the hearings").

[[txt, 'Many'], [tag, staart, dt, jj, nnp, pdt, rb, 'Adverb', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHAdverb', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun', 'Adjective']] [[txt, were], [tag, z, bed, vbd, 'BeAux']] [[txt, angered], [tag, z, vbn, vbd, 'Adjective']] [[txt, by], [tag, z, in, 'Adverb', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional-Telic', 'WHAdverb', 'Adjective']] [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, hearings], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun', 'GerundiveCountNoun']]

seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('VP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('PP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5), p('QP', 6, 6)])

(thereExists ?MANY

       (equals ?MANY Many-NLAttr ) 
       (isa ?MANY 
         (CollectionUnionFn Individual NLGenQuantAttribute ) ) ) 
       (equals ?MANY Many-Quant ) 
       (isa ?MANY 
         (CollectionUnionFn Individual PositiveIntegerExtent ) ) ) 
       (equals ?MANY many ) 
       (isa ?MANY 
         (CollectionUnionFn GeneralizedQuantifier-Conservative Individual ReflexiveBinaryPredicate TruthFunction ) ) ) ) 
     (occursDurring ?ANGERED3 Past ) 
         (isa ?G626264 Thing ) 
         (isa ?G626264 Thing ) ) 
           (isa ?ANGERED3 
             (VerbFn Anger-TheWord ) ) 
           (eventSOT ?ANGERED3 ?MANY ?G626264 Past ) ) 
         (thereExists ?HEARINGS5 
               (isa ?HEARINGS5 Hearing ) 
               (objectActedOn ?HEARINGS5 :POSSESSOR ) ) 
             (by-Underspecified ?G626264 ?HEARINGS5 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("Many who initially supported Thomas later changed their minds").

[[txt, 'Many'], [tag, staart, dt, jj, nnp, pdt, rb, 'Adverb', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHAdverb', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun', 'Adjective']] [[txt, who], [tag, z, wps, wp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun', 'WHPronoun-Subject']] [[txt, initially], [tag, z, rb, 'Adverb', 'WHAdverb', 'Adjective']] [[txt, supported], [tag, z, vbn, vbd, 'Adjective']] [[txt, 'Thomas'], [tag, z, np, nnp]] [[txt, later], [tag, z, rbr, rb, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'AgentiveNoun', 'AdverbOfTime', 'WHAdverb']] [[txt, changed], [tag, z, vbn, vbd, 'Adjective', 'CountNoun']] [[txt, their], [tag, z, 'pp$', 'prp$', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'PossessivePronoun-Pre', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, minds], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]

seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('X', 2, 2), p('PP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('QP', 6, 6), p('VP_non_cyclic', 7, 7), p('NX', 8, 9)])

(thereExists ?MANY

       (equals ?MANY Many-NLAttr ) 
       (isa ?MANY 
         (CollectionUnionFn Individual NLGenQuantAttribute ) ) ) 
       (equals ?MANY Many-Quant ) 
       (isa ?MANY 
         (CollectionUnionFn Individual PositiveIntegerExtent ) ) ) 
       (equals ?MANY many ) 
       (isa ?MANY 
         (CollectionUnionFn GeneralizedQuantifier-Conservative Individual ReflexiveBinaryPredicate TruthFunction ) ) ) ) 
           (equals ?MANY Agent-PartiallyTangible ) 
           (isa ?MANY 
             (CollectionUnionFn Collection ExistingObjectType StuffType TemporalStuffType ) ) ) ) 
         (isa ?CHANGED1 Event ) 
           (controls ?THEIR ?MINDS4 ) 
             (equals ?THEIR 
               (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Plural-NLAttr Ungendered-NLAttr PossessivePronoun-Pre ) ) 
                 (isa ?MINDS4 TakingCareOfSomething ) 
                 (beneficiary ?MINDS4 :POSSESSOR ) ) 
                   (isa ?CHANGED1 IntrinsicStateChangeEvent ) 
                   (performedBy ?CHANGED1 ?MANY ) 
                   (objectOfStateChange ?CHANGED1 ?MINDS4 ) ) 
                   (isa ?CHANGED1 ReplacingAnObject ) 
                   (objectActedOn ?CHANGED1 ?MINDS4 ) 
                   (doneBy ?CHANGED1 ?MANY ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 
       (isa ?SUPPORTED1 
         (AdverbFn Initial-TheWord ) ) 
         (isa ?SUPPORTED1 
           (AdverbFn Late-TheWord ) ) 
           (isa ?SUPPORTED1 Event ) 
             (equals ?THOMAS2 JackThomas-911FOAF ) 
               (satisfiesStandard ?MANY ?THOMAS2 ) 
                 (isa ?SUPPORTED1 ShowingSupportForSomeone ) 
                 (beneficiary ?SUPPORTED1 ?THOMAS2 ) 
                 (performedBy ?SUPPORTED1 ?MANY ) ) 
                 (isa ?SUPPORTED1 SupportingSomething ) 
                 (supportedObject ?SUPPORTED1 ?THOMAS2 ) 
                 (supportingObject ?SUPPORTED1 ?MANY ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("Those that want to come can come").

[[txt, 'Those'], [tag, staart, dt, nnp, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, that], [tag, z, in, cs, dt, wdt, 'Adverb', 'Complementizer', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Definite', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHAdverb', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, want], [tag, z, vb, vbp, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, to], [tag, z, to, in, 'InfinitiveComp', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional']] [[txt, come], [tag, z, vb, vbn]] [[txt, can], [tag, z, md, 'Modal', 'CountNoun']] [[txt, come], [tag, laast, vb, vbn]]

seg([p('PP_non_cyclic', 1, 2), p('VP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('PP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('VP_non_cyclic', 6, 6), p('VP_non_cyclic', 7, 7)])

(thereExists ?THOSE

       (equals ?THOSE Backreference-ClassB-NLAttr ) 
       (isa ?THOSE 
         (CollectionUnionFn Backreference-NLAttrType Individual ) ) ) 
       (equals ?THOSE Demonstrative-ClassB-NLAttr ) 
       (isa ?THOSE 
         (CollectionUnionFn Demonstrative-NLAttrType Individual ) ) ) ) 
     (eventSOT ?EVENT88 ?THOSE ?OBJ88 ?TIME88 ) 
       (occursDuring ?WANT3 
         (OneOfFn ArrivingAtAPlace HavingAnOrgasm ) ) 
       (holdsIn ?WANT3 
             (isa ?G738781 Thing ) 
             (isa ?G738781 Thing ) ) 
               (isa ?WANT3 
                 (VerbFn Want-TheWord ) ) 
               (eventSOT ?WANT3 ?THOSE ?G738781 Now ) ) 
                 (isa ?COME4 Emission ) 
                 (isa ?COME4 
                   (OneOfFn Buttocks Can CanningFood ) ) ) 
               (to-UnderspecifiedLocation ?G738781 ?COME4 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

e2c("the best costumes got prizes").

[[txt, a], [tag, staart, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, best], [tag, z, jjt, jjs, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective', 'Adverb']] [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]] [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]

seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5)])

(thereExists ?COSTUMES5

     (isa ?COSTUMES5 Costume ) 
     (isa ?COSTUMES5 Thing ) ) 
     (isa ?PRIZES7 AwardPractice ) 
       (isa ?GOT7 
         (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) ) 
       (eventSOT ?GOT7 ?COSTUMES5 ?PRIZES7 Past ) ) ) ) )

e2c("a best costume got prizes").

[[txt, a], [tag, staart, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, best], [tag, z, jjt, jjs, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective', 'Adverb']] [[txt, costume], [tag, z, nn, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]] [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]

seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('VP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5)])

(thereExists ?COSTUME5

     (isa ?COSTUME5 Costume ) 
     (isa ?COSTUME5 Thing ) ) 
     (isa ?PRIZES15 AwardPractice ) 
       (isa ?GOT14 
         (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) ) 
       (eventSOT ?GOT14 ?COSTUME5 ?PRIZES15 Past ) ) ) ) )

e2c("some best costumes got prizes").

[[txt, some], [tag, staart, dt, dti, 'Adverb', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHAdverb', 'WHDeterminer']] [[txt, best], [tag, z, jjt, jjs, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective', 'Adverb']] [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]] [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]

seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5)])

(thereExists ?COSTUMES10

     (isa ?COSTUMES10 Costume ) 
     (isa ?COSTUMES10 Thing ) ) 
     (isa ?PRIZES23 AwardPractice ) 
       (isa ?GOT21 
         (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) ) 
       (eventSOT ?GOT21 ?COSTUMES10 ?PRIZES23 Past ) ) ) ) )

e2c("the best five costumes got prizes").

[[txt, a], [tag, staart, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, best], [tag, z, jjt, jjs, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective', 'Adverb']] [[txt, five], [tag, z, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]] [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]

seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('QP', 6, 6)])

(thereExistExactly 5 ?FIVE1

     (isa ?FIVE1 Costume ) 
     (isa ?FIVE1 Thing ) ) 
     (isa ?PRIZES31 AwardPractice ) 
       (isa ?GOT28 
         (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) ) 
       (eventSOT ?GOT28 ?FIVE1 ?PRIZES31 Past ) ) ) ) )

e2c("best costumes got prizes").

[[txt, best], [tag, staart, jjt, jjs, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective', 'Adverb']] [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]] [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]

seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('QP', 2, 2), p('VP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('QP', 4, 4)])

e2c("best five costumes got prizes").

[[txt, best], [tag, staart, jjt, jjs, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective', 'Adverb']] [[txt, five], [tag, z, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]] [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]

seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('QP', 2, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5)])


     (isa ?COSTUMES42 
       (NounFn Five-TheWord ) ) 
     (isa ?COSTUMES42 Costume ) ) 
   (hasEvaluativeQuantity ?COSTUMES42 
     (MediumToVeryHighAmountFn Goodness-Generic ) ) ) 
   (isa ?PRIZES65 AwardPractice ) 
     (isa ?GOT45 
       (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) ) 
     (eventSOT ?GOT45 ?COSTUMES42 ?PRIZES65 Past ) ) ) )

e2c("five other costumes got prizes").

[[txt, five], [tag, staart, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, other], [tag, z, jj, ap, 'Adjective', 'CountNoun']] [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]] [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]

seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('PP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5)])

(thereExistExactly 5 ?FIVE18

       (isa ?FIVE18 Costume ) 
       (isa ?FIVE18 Thing ) ) 
     (isa ?FIVE18 BIOS-OTHERSurveillanceSyndrome ) ) 
     (isa ?PRIZES73 AwardPractice ) 
       (isa ?GOT52 
         (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) ) 
       (eventSOT ?GOT52 ?FIVE18 ?PRIZES73 Past ) ) ) ) )

e2c("the other five costumes got prizes").

[[txt, a], [tag, staart, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']] [[txt, other], [tag, z, jj, ap, 'Adjective', 'CountNoun']] [[txt, five], [tag, z, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']] [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']] [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]] [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]

seg([p('QP', 1, 2), p('QP', 3, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('QP', 6, 6)])

(thereExistExactly 5 ?FIVE19

     (isa ?FIVE19 Costume ) 
     (isa ?FIVE19 Thing ) ) 
     (isa ?PRIZES81 AwardPractice ) 
       (isa ?GOT59 
         (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) ) 
       (eventSOT ?GOT59 ?FIVE19 ?PRIZES81 Past ) ) ) ) )

e2c("other five costumes got prizes").


     (isa ?OTHER12 
       (NounFn Five-TheWord ) ) 
     (isa ?OTHER12 Costume ) ) 
   (isa ?OTHER12 BIOS-OTHERSurveillanceSyndrome ) ) 
   (isa ?PRIZES89 AwardPractice ) 
     (isa ?GOT62 
       (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) ) 
     (eventSOT ?GOT62 ?OTHER12 ?PRIZES89 Past ) ) ) )

e2c("some other costumes were really bad").

(thereExists ?OTHER52

       (isa ?OTHER52 Costume ) 
       (isa ?OTHER52 Thing ) ) 
     (isa ?OTHER52 BIOS-OTHERSurveillanceSyndrome ) ) 
       (isa ?BAD14 
         (NounFn Real-TheWord ) ) 
       (isa ?BAD14 
         (OneOfFn Badness-Generic Badness-Moral ) ) ) 
       (isa ?WERE6 Living ) 
       (occursDuring ?WERE6 Past ) 
       (preActors ?WERE6 ?OTHER52 ) 
       (actors ?WERE6 ?BAD14 ) ) ) ) )

English Parser

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['Hypothetic-I', 'Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee', 'Hypothetic-Drank'] Variable Quantification Or Constant Name Refactoring To Customize The Assertion (Persistent)




 (situationConstituents Hypothetic-GenitiveFrame Hypothetic-I)
(subEvents Hypothetic-GenitiveFrame Hypothetic-Drank)
(actors Hypothetic-Drank Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee)
(preActors Hypothetic-Drank Hypothetic-I)
(isa Hypothetic-Drank DrinkingEvent)
(performedBy Hypothetic-Drank Hypothetic-I)
 (#$performedBy #$Hypothetic-Drank #$Hypothetic-I) 

was not well formed because: Term #$Hypothetic-I violates arg-isa #$Agent-Generic applicable to argument 2 of relation #$performedBy in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>. Term #$Hypothetic-I violates arg-isa #$Agent-Generic applicable to argument 2 of relation #$performedBy (via #$deliberateActors) in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>. Term #$Hypothetic-I violates arg-isa #$Agent-Generic applicable to argument 2 of relation #$performedBy (via #$awareOf) in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>. "

(primaryObjectMoving Hypothetic-Drank Hypothetic-I)
 (#$primaryObjectMoving #$Hypothetic-Drank #$Hypothetic-I) 

was not well formed because: Term #$Hypothetic-I violates inter-arg-isa #$FluidTangibleThing applicable to argument 2 of relation #$primaryObjectMoving when argument 1, #$Hypothetic-Drank, isa #$FluidFlowEvent in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>. Term #$Hypothetic-I violates inter-arg-isa #$FluidTangibleThing applicable to argument 2 of relation #$primaryObjectMoving (via #$objectMoving) when argument 1, #$Hypothetic-Drank, isa #$FluidFlowEvent in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>. Term #$Hypothetic-I violates inter-arg-isa #$FluidTangibleThing applicable to argument 2 of relation #$primaryObjectMoving when argument 1, #$Hypothetic-Drank, isa #$FluidFlow-Translation in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>. Term #$Hypothetic-I violates arg-isa #$SpatialThing applicable to argument 2 of relation #$primaryObjectMoving (via #$objectMoving) in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>. Term #$Hypothetic-I violates arg-isa #$PartiallyTangible applicable to argument 2 of relation #$primaryObjectMoving in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>. "

(objectMoving Hypothetic-Drank Hypothetic-I)
 (#$objectMoving #$Hypothetic-Drank #$Hypothetic-I) 

was not well formed because: Term #$Hypothetic-I violates inter-arg-isa #$FluidTangibleThing applicable to argument 2 of relation #$objectMoving when argument 1, #$Hypothetic-Drank, isa #$FluidFlowEvent in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>. Term #$Hypothetic-I violates arg-isa #$SpatialThing applicable to argument 2 of relation #$objectMoving in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>. "

(consumedObject Hypothetic-Drank Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee)
(isa Hypothetic-Drank Event)
(isa Hypothetic-Drank Situation)
(termStrings Hypothetic-Drank "drank")
(occursDuring Hypothetic-Drank 
     (IntervalBeforeFn Now AnIndefiniteAmountOfTime))
(isa Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee Individual)
(isa Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee SomethingExisting)
(termStrings Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee "the arabian coffee")
(isa Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee Coffee-Ground)
(isa Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee Coffee-Beverage)
(equals Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee ArabianPeninsula)
(isa Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee ArabianHorse)
 (#$isa #$Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee #$ArabianHorse) 

was not well formed because:

  1. $Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee is known not to be an instance of #$ArabianHorse in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>.

sbhl conflict: (#$isa #$Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee #$ArabianHorse) TRUE #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>

     because: (#$isa #$Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee #$Coffee-Beverage) True-JustificationTruth               

(#$genls #$Coffee-Beverage #$Drink) TRUE (#$genls #$Drink #$LiquidTangibleThing) TRUE (#$genls #$LiquidTangibleThing #$FluidTangibleThing) TRUE (#$disjointWith #$FluidTangibleThing #$Agent-PartiallyTangible) TRUE (#$genls #<(#$CollectionUnionFn (#$TheSet #$Person #$Animal))> #$Agent-PartiallyTangible) TRUE (#$genls #$Animal #<(#$CollectionUnionFn (#$TheSet #$Person #$Animal))>) TRUE (#$genls #$NonHumanAnimal #$Animal) TRUE (#$genls #$EquineAnimal #$NonHumanAnimal) TRUE (#$genls #$Horse #$EquineAnimal) TRUE (#$genls #$Horse-Domesticated #$Horse) TRUE (#$genls #$ArabianHorse #$Horse-Domesticated) TRUE


(conceptuallyRelated Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee ArabianPeninsula)
 (#$conceptuallyRelated #$Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee #$ArabianPeninsula) 

was not well formed because: (#$isa #$conceptuallyRelated #$IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate) in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))> "

(isa Hypothetic-I Individual)
(properNameStrings Hypothetic-I "I")
 (#$properNameStrings #$Hypothetic-I \"I\") 

was not well formed because: Asserting a literal with predicate #$properNameStrings is prohibited in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>. "

(equals Hypothetic-I 
     (PronounFn FirstPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Ungendered-NLAttr SubjectPronoun))
(isa Hypothetic-I SomethingExisting)
(termStrings Hypothetic-I "I")
(equals Hypothetic-I Hypothetic-I)
(isa Hypothetic-GenitiveFrame Event)