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^(up): MTBI





most fun
unconventional, fun,
lives for the here and now,
problem solver


beer drinker (Real MTBI)
loud, crude, plays team sports, kisses and tells. These are the people beer commercials are made for.
dragon (Fairytale Archetype)
Impulsive, hot-tempered (ha puns), physically aggressive, and doing whatever it they can to thwart the heroes of the story.

breakdown analysis by function

ESTP: Se Ti Fe Ni

The ESTP’s primary function is extroverted sensing, or Se. This function is primarily concerned with what can be taken in through the five senses, looking at life to experience it and live in the moment. The Se users ask “What is going on right now and how can I experience it?”. They think in the moment, wanting to experience spontaneity and adventure. A lot of Se users enjoy sports, art, sensory experiences, crafting their appearances, driving fast, appreciating sex, for examples, and only learn by doing and working with their hands. They are more comfortable implementing plans or working with what is concrete than theorizing or planning in an abstract way. They prefer their facts to be clear and in front of them. They will notice changes in their environment and see that as a cue to act a certain way. They are generally spontaneous, adventurous, reckless, and think about what is going on in the present (instead of learning from the past or envisioning the future). They are thrill seekers, and look for what is novel and exciting in the environment around them.

The ESTP’s auxiliary function is introverted thinking, or Ti. This function seeks to understand the world of ideas, to make rational logic judgements in one’s mind. Ti seeks logic and understanding the world by taking the experiences and facts of the outer world and filtering them: Does this make sense? How can I understand this? It has a complicated internal framework of ideas and concepts that may or may not be utilized for outer plans. Ti is good at focusing on a single problem, figuring out what is wrong and then coming up with a plan to fix it. It constantly seeks understanding, taking ideas apart and playing with theories for the sole purpose of understanding them. They have a strong sense of inner control, like working on independent projects, and are inwardly disciplined and serious (although they may come across as more casual and playful). When they approach choices in life, they make decisions based on their independent, internal sense of rational and logic. They may appreciate wit and intellectual humor, like playing with ideas, and may seem to approach life with a more serious outlook. They see life as a series of intellectual and physical challenges to be overcome by their inner discipline and rationality.

The ESTP’s tertiary function is extroverted feeling, or Fe. Extroverted feeling is a function that seeks harmony, that makes social judgements based off what the group, or those around them value. They gauge the emotions and values of those around them, making them able to develop a connection with others. Their independent nature from their Ne and Ti takes precedence over their desire to make those around them happy or conform to others’ behavior. However, they do have a desire to be socially validated and to receive support and affirmation from those around them. However, they are less able than INFJ’s to gauge, relate to, or respond appropriately to the emotions of others, and are generally less likely to conform to social norms.

The ESTP’s inferior function is introverted intuition, or Ni. This means, in general, ESTP’s are uncomfortable using this function. However, if they do utilize it, it may be in an unhealthy or overindulgent manner (for example, in times of stress or discord). In general, ESTP’s do not think of the future implications of their actions, instead choosing to live their lives in the moment. They may generally be bored with abstract, deep theories and symbols. However, they may also have a deep desire to be seen as profound (discussing various political and religious ideologies), force fit their life into a singular plan, etc. This will only be found in unhealthy, badly developed ESTP’s, and will not be representative of their true personality.