From Public Domain Knowledge Bank
Revision as of 17:47, 9 March 2019 by DavidWhitten (talk | contribs)
(cb-cf '("c1") )
generates HTML frameset with two frames
- one with html frame name="index" src="cg?cb-index-frame&c1" i.e. (cb-index-frame '("c1"))
- and another with html frame name="content" src="cg?cb-content-frame&c1" i.e. (cb-content-frame '("c1"))
<html><frameset cols="30%,*"> <frame name="index" src="cg?cb-index-frame&c1"> <frame </frameset> </html> <--!><--!>
cb-index-frame '("c1"))
generates an index frame for constant 1 #$Lenat
(cb-content-frame '("c1"))
generates a content frame for constant 1 #$Lenat