Fluxx 3.1 / 3.0 Card List
Keepers (18 cards) Brain Bread Chocolate Cookies Death Dreams Love Milk Money Moon Peace Rocket Sleep Sun Television Time Toaster War
Actions (20 cards)
- was 21 cards in version 3.0; "I Need a Goal" was dropped
Jackpot (replaced "Go Fish" in version 3.0) Discard and Draw Draw 2 and use 'em Draw, 3, Play 2 of them Empty the Trash Everybody Gets 1 Exchange Keepers Let's Do That Again Let's Simplify No Limits Rotate Hands Rules Reset Scramble Keepers Steal a Keeper Take Another Turn Taxation Trade Hands Trash a Keeper Trash a New Rule Use What You Take
Special Cards (2 cards)
- was 1; "Join the Fluxx Fan Club" was added for version 3.1
Basic Rules Join the Fluxx Fan Club
Other Fluxx Card Lists: Fluxx 1.0 Card List Fluxx 2.0 Card List Fluxx 4.0 Card List
New Rules (21 cards)
Draw 2
Draw 3
Draw 4
Draw 5
Play 2
Play 3
Play 4
Play All
Hand Limit 0
Hand Limit 1
Hand Limit 2
Keeper Limit 2
Keeper Limit 3
Keeper Limit 4
Double Agenda
Reverse Order
First Play Random
No-Hand Bonus
Poor Bonus
Rich Bonus
Inflation (was called "X = X + 1" in version 3.0)
Goals (23 cards) 10 Cards in Hand 5 Keepers All You Need is Love Appliances Baked Goods Bed Time Brain (no TV) Chocolate Cookies Chocolate Milk Death by Chocolate Dreamland Hearts and Minds Hippyism Milk and Cookies Night and Day Peace (no War) Rocket Science Rocket to the Moon Squishy Chocolate Time is Money Toast War = Death Winning the Lottery
This makes a total of 84 cards in the box. A rulesheet is also included. More Info